With my practice Unreal 4 repository, I looked into the Unreal 4 C++ framework, and had a look for any of the VR classes. There were different classes for different VR hardware, for the HTC Vive it has functionality listed under the SteamVR folder.
Having looked through this folder, I found a header file: SteamVRFunctionLibrary.h. Iinside this header file there was a function called GetHandPositionAndOrientation, which outputs two FVectors (Vector3s basically) - one for the hand position and the other for the hand rotation. So this means that the initial idea of programming a virtual calibration tool would not be technical enough from looking at this function (because we can easily access hand data), so I am now left with two choices:
Look for a way to expand on the mixed reality project to make it more technical and require more programming in order to be suitable for a games programming honours project.
Look for another honours project all together, research into another area of interest that I would enjoy looking into over the course of the year. If this is the case, I would like to speak with Paul about taking this virtual calibration tool as a side project maybe over the 2nd semester, but would be handy to take on after 4th year if possible.