Over the end of march and coming to the beginning of April, I have been working mainly on the dissertation paper and have made a lot of progress. This has involved finishing off Section 3 which was Methodology, starting and rounding up Section 4 Results, same with Section 5 Discussion and finally Section 6 Conclusions. After that I went back and rewrote the abstract and introduction to reflect the overall scope of the project and research.
However, this isn’t the end just yet, I need to provide more references, add some more figures, and provide some more arguments using references. I also emailed my supervisor with this first draft and asked for any and all feedback, and hopefully the content will be okay and I’ll get the go ahead to just keep chipping away at leftover tasks.
At the moment the dissertation rests at 11417 words, and the word count is around 10000 words overall, this is with me making no effort to cut down on the content I have talked about and having talked about everything that I wanted to discuss in the paper. If need be I will cut down on word count here and there and if everything is okay so far, then there will only be slightly more content added in order to provide relevant points for any new references.